Wednesday, October 8

Goodbye Binki

We took away Jack's binki last night. I have been wanting to do it for so long, but just never had the energy to fight it. I finally decided that it was time. He is 2 1/2 soon to be 3. He doesn't need it. For an hour or so before bed last night I talked it up HUGE.
"Jack is a big boy, he doesn't need his binki!!!"
"No more binki for Jackie boy!!"
"We need to throw your binki in the trash!!"
ect, ect, ect.

Well, the first 5 minutes went smoothly. He just talked to himself. It all went down hill from there. He ended up crying for about 40 minutes. Every 5-10 minutes I would go in there, give him a hug (not taking him out of his crib) and covering him back up. He finally went to sleep. Didn't wake up in the middle of the night for it so that helped. Little stinker was up at 6 AM though.

Anyways, here's to hoping that it all goes well and that it only takes a day or two for him to forget about it!

6 intellectual comments made by others:

jeni said...

BooHoo... so sad.. I am such a sap. Good luck!

Janet said...

i keep thinking the title to this post is goodbye bikini! ;)
hope it is going well with the no-binki nights!

KT said...

Sometimes I want to suck on one of Sadie's binkis to see what all the fuss is about, but then I remember that I'm 30, and that would be wierd.

KT said...


Heather Guymon said...

At least you can take his away. I can't chop Hannah's fingers off lol. He will look all grown up now with no binki in his mouth anymore =)

Jill said...

Its always hard at first but well worth it in the end!