Wednesday, July 9

Chloe's New Haircut

Chloe had to get a new haircut. The whole time we were in Utah she threw fits everytime I had to brush her hair. It was getting to the point of ridiculous. Her hair is super thick and gets tangly really easily. I warned her that if she didn't quit, that when we got home I was going to have it cut. (She had been wanting to grow it out) Well, it just got worse, so yesterday we had it cut. I love love love it though. She does too, so it's a win/win.

Here she is on our trip.

And here is yesterday after.

What do you think?

I've also just posted 2 other posts from the last of our trip. Don't forget to check those out. I am so glad to finally be home!

3 intellectual comments made by others:

stevet said...

way cute hair!!! welcome home... sounds like your trip was sooo fun... i can't believe your kids held up so well with so many different activities every day!! see you soon!

Halli Matheny said...

LOVE the new haircut! I saw her at church today and thought she looked so cute! Glad your home!

Unknown said...

i personaly dont like short hair on me(i have to be able to put it up in a quick pony tail) but on her it is just adoreable