Thursday, December 14

In a Funk

I am not entirely sure why (maybe just a little). But I know one thing is for sure. Being in a funk sucks. I've gone over it quite a few times in my head and here is what i've come up with.

1. I don't like my body. I am feeling really fat these days. I haven't been taking care of myself. I have been eating whatever I want. Whenever I want and it is catching up with me. I could blame it on the fact that I am nursing and you need that extra 1000 calories or however much they tell you. But, I have been chosing the not so good stuff to eat. I can just feel it in my body that I need to eat better things. The holidays make it hard though. There is always stuff just sitting out, being delivered by neighbors, ect. I think this time of year makes everyone want to jump on the "I am going to lose weight next year" resolution group. I am betting i'll be one of them.

2. I'm tired. Just plain tired. I know most of attributes to what I've just written above, but I think it goes beyond that. Problem: Mr. Jack. He is still not sleeping through the night. The last week or so, he's been waking up 2 times in the night again. He is almost 10 months old! The kid just needs to start sleeping ALL night. Some nights I just want to let him CIO, then I feel bad letting him cry. It's a no win situation. BLAH!

3. Christmas and Monday. Seems like there never is enough. Money that is. I KNOW that money is not the meaning of Christmas, but it sure causes me enough stress. Stuart just needs to get paid (tomorrow - woohoo!) so I can finish my shopping and relax. I am all kinds of tensed up about it and it sucks. Money sucks.

4. I need a vacation. Seems like every 4 or 5 months I start feeling like I need to get away from my family. It wont happen for quite a long time, but I just feel like I need it, ya know?

Okay, I've just vented a lot huh? It felt good to get it out there though. I am sure that after the holidays are over i'll feel better about a lot of things. okay. venting over. carry on.

7 intellectual comments made by others:

Alyssa Goodnight said...

Sorry to hear that you're feeling so down. I get so stressed at this time of year and then tell myself that next year will be different. far I'm really trying.

P.S. My son is almost five and nervous to get up and go to the bathroom during the night, so I'm STILL getting up with him!

Anonymous said...

I think that being sleep deprived has a lot to do with how you're feeling. Don't worry, he'll sleep through the night eventually. And a little crying never hurt anyone.

alisonwonderland said...

i'm feeling much the same way today! i'm trying to find some music lyrics to post that will express my current state of mind.

hang in there (and i will too)!

Kat said...

Hang in there lady! (hugs)

Karen said...

I am right with you, girl, about the funk...and especially about the eating crappy and therefore feeling crappy. I feel very unhealthy. Oh, well. After the holidays will definitely be easier!

Missi said...

Oh, I understand! I have been there and am still there!

I think it will do you good for getting
it out though. Christmas will be over soon and maybe things will brighten up for you! 2007 is a new year!!

Jeanie said...

Well it's a while after you posted this, but I'm trying to get caught up. I love reading your blogs! Anyway, I wanted to let you know that Brody just turned 1 and he still doesn't sleep through the night. He was also waking up twice for a while again, after going to waking up only once. Dustin gets up with him now (I don't hear him) but it's still frustrating to know that he's as old as he is and he wakes up. I hope you're feeling much better now, with everything you posted. It's hard to live and feel so blah, but it's also harder to start a new routine to make it better. I'm too lazy to do things too and I also *love* junk food. It's a constant struggle. Ugh!