Tuesday, June 5

Crazy drivers

I can't stand them. Especially the really pushy ones that think they need to come up all in your business. I am minding my own buisness, most likely speeding and they still come up and think they need to ride my butt.
Take today for example. I am driving and there is this guy that is just up the road from my in his work truck. I see him riding everyones butts, having to slam on the brakes and he's weaving in and out of traffic. Yeah, that'll make you get there a whole lot faster buddy. We are both making a left hand turn (it was a double lane turn) so I was in one lane and he was in the other. Well, in the middle of the turn, he tried to come over in MY lane. Totally tried to cut me off or run me off the road. I was pissed. Hello! Stay in your own lane!!
Note to jerk driver: Pay back is a B****! I got in front of him and blocked him behind me and the car next to me. I just stayed really close right beside that car so he couldn't get buy us *hahahahhahahahah* We stayed like that for a good 3 miles until he turned off the road.
But MY GOSH! Why do people have to drive like that? I do not understand where they are coming from.
Okay, rant over. Carry on.

1 intellectual comments made by others:

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I can't believe you found me. I find someone's blog. They have a list of other blogs. "Got to add that one to my favorites". 'That one' also has a list of blogs. "I like that one! That one's good. I'd like to hear what she has to say", etc. Yours is right near my work on my favorite's list so it gets clicked on often. You are too funny!