Saturday, June 30

I'm patting my own back

I have got some MAJOR cleaning done today. I am going to list it all so you can see just how busy i've been. It's okay, you can pat me on the back too *wink* Yeah, this is a total selfish post, but it's worth it!

*put away all the laundry I washed and folded last night (HUGE accomplishment!)
*cleaned Jack's room
*straightened both bathrooms
*cleaned all of my kitchen, including sweeping and mopping
*cleaned the playroom (organized too!)
*cleaned the living room
*vaccumed the ENTIRE house
*cleaned my bedroom which never gets enough attention
*the girls actually cleaned their own bedrooms today - MAJOR plus!!
*cleaned my closet - it soooo needed it.

WHEW! I'm tired. It's only 12:45 now too. I now have to shower while the kids are napping and having quiet time, because I have a HOT date tonight! woohoo!

2 intellectual comments made by others:

Julianne said...

I am so so so impressed! How did you do it? :) I've got to get in gear and get stuff done like that when I get home from vacation. It's just so overwhelming...

Good job!!!

Sally F said...

Way to go!!! All that before 1pm! That really is an accomplishment. It's too bad that the kids'll probably have it all messy again before the evening!