Tuesday, October 3

I'm curious

How many lurkers do I have. How many of you out there come to my blog and just read but don't comment? I mean, I know reading about my life is SO interesting and what I write about is so funny and catching. But, I really do wonder how many of you out there are reading.

I know you all wish that at some point in your life you could just come out of the closet about ONE thing. I know you do. So, how about just today. How about you come out and tell me your out there. Leave me some lovin.

Here, I'll even give you something to coment about!

6 intellectual comments made by others:

Anonymous said...

okay ~ I'm not really a lurker...I'm here for you TT but I have to comment on that adorable, chubby, happy baby. AWWW! How cute! :)

You may turn me into a lurker yet! :)

Virginia Revoir said...

Here some lovin'!! Sooooo cute he is!!!!!!!

Sally F said...

I came for your T13 too, Colleen, but I'm putting you on my favorites so I'll click on your page every once in awhile.

Your Jack is a totally cutie!

BTW, you can get a free counter thing at sitemeter.com. I love checking mine to see how many people have been on my site, and where they're from, etc.

Missi said...

AWWW he is too cute!!!

Let's see, what am I in the closet about?? hmmmm I have been married
before. 2 times before actually.
Yes, I am on number 3. I have to
get it right sometime don't I???

Lyndsee Bates said...

I have to admit it, since you sent the e-mail with your blog on it I have been checking out your site. I love it you are so creative. I don't have much of anything on mine, I hardly have any time to update it anymore! See you soon girl! Lyndsee

Jeanie said...

Not a lurker :) Jack is way too cute! I need to get some pics of my kids on my blogs. You need to help me figure out that TT??? I have no clue how to get it going! BTW, I love your weddding pics! :)