Monday, August 28

The end is coming

The end of my 4 year old taking naps.

I have been extreemly lucky that she has lasted so long taking naps. Most kids stop taking naps at the age of 3, but not mine. She needs sleep. She needs sleep like a a cake needs frosting. NEEDS it. If she doesn't take a nap, then by the time 5 p.m. comes around she is a bear. Whines and complains about everything. She is no fun to be around at. all.

This last week and into this week we try and make her nap. But lately, she has not been doing it. She fights it. It makes me incredibly sad. Not for her, but for me! I love nap time. That is the one time during the day that I cherish. Between the 3 kids, most days I can generally catch an hour where they are all sleeping at the same time. I get alot accomplished during this hour. I the internet...write here in my to my You know, those IMPORTANT things in life. I fear that when she stops with these naps, I will lose this precious precious hour.

Now, I KNOW there is "quiet time". This works for alot of people. I will have to see how I can get this to play into our house. When we have tried quiet time before it happens like this. Chloe doesn't want to nap and so I let her watch a movie in the play room. I tell her that it is quiet time and she is not allowed to bug me during this time. She has to watch the movie or else she needs to nap. She ALWAYS agrees to this because then she gets out of napping. She will go in and watch the movie for awhile, but she never lasts through the whole movie. She will come ask me for whatever she can think of. One time turns to two, two to three and before I know it she is worming her way into my lap bugging the crap out of me loving up to me.

I guess this whole change is going to take some getting used to, but I am afraid it's time. She goes to Kindergarden next year. Here, it is all day. So, she is going to need to get used to getting through the whole day awake.

Good for her, sad for me.

2 intellectual comments made by others:

Karen said...

Yikes -- I remember how sad I was when my youngest stopped napping. No more breaks for me! Waaahhh! I feel for you.

Oh, and "quiet time" doesn't work for everyone. Trust me. (Not saying you shouldn't give it a try...just sayin'!)

Twisted Cinderella said...

Belle, my little princess stopped taking naps months ago but when she started day care a couple of weeks ago, she started taking them again some afternoons. Day Care is apparently exhausting business.