Sunday, September 3

Movie Quote Monday

Fellow Blogger Karen aka Cheese & Wine and I are starting up Movie Quote Monday! Feel free to jump in and leave your link in my comments and her comments. When you do, I will link you here. I hope this turns out to be a fun thing!

Here is my quote for today, i'll make it an easy one.

Well I guess it all started the first time I went through the second grade. I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cereal, and I remember thinking "wow, you're ridiculously good looking, maybe you could do that for a career."

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty

You is talking loco and I like it!

6 intellectual comments made by others:

Karen said...

I have absolutely no idea!

Colleen said...

I added a few! Come on peeps. This is a classic! Hint: Movie came out in 2001.

Kat said...

Is it Zoolander? I love that movie!

Colleen said...

Zoolander it is!!

Karen said...

I never saw that. You are definitely more movie-savvy than I am!

Colleen said...

You've never saw Zoolander?? March your butt to the nearest movie store, rent it, put the kids to bed then watch it with your husband! You will crack up. Report tomorrow. haha.