Wednesday, September 6

This mom gig

Sometimes I really really hate it. I know what your thinking...your thinking oh no you don't, you dislike it. Hate is such a strong word. yada yada yada. I say. oh no. I HATE it.

Last night was a rough go. Chloe had been SO naughty all day long. Constantly pestering/hitting/being mean to Brooke. No matter how many times she got in trouble for it, she kept going. I have been working with her about wiping herself after she goes #2. She wont do it. So, for this last week, I told her when X day came, she was going to have to do it herself. (or at least try! She's almost 5 for crying outloud!) Well, last night about 7, she wouldn't do it. Flat out refused to do it. So, this is what I hear from her all night:

"How can you do this to me??? How can you make me do everything myself!! It's not fair"

Can we say drama?? Well, she was so bad that she got put to bed early. She usually has this long drawn out bedtime routine, but it was cut to a prayer and a goodnight. She did NOT like this. Not one bit. Guess how long this went on for?? She was put to bed at 7:45 (15 minutes early) and she did not go to sleep until after 11!!!!! I did something last night that I have NEVER done to her before. I took away her beloved blankie. Sad huh? I really hope she learned.

So, I go to bed feeling like the meanest mom in the whole world and hating being a parent.

2 intellectual comments made by others:

Twisted Cinderella said...

There are moments we all feel this way. It isn't wrong to get frustrated. When we pictured being a mom, we didn't picture whiny, complaining, and pestering. I pictured something like the famous picture of Madonna, with my peaceful smile holding my child who looks up at me in adoration. The cool thing is that despite the moments of frustration and tears we do get those moment sometimes. There is nothing better then my little princess coming over to me and asking to cuddle me on the couch. (it is not quite madonna-esque but I will take it)

Jeanie said...

(okay, I was posting a comment then hit something on the keyboard and it disappeared?) Anyway, I agree with what TC said. Being a mom is the hardest job, EVER. We all do our best, and we make mistakes too. We're human!